Objective of the Fund
Established by Alf. Mizzi & Sons Ltd in 2004, The Alfred Mizzi Foundation’s overall objective is the promotion, diffusion, and safeguarding of the Maltese culture, its heritage, education, the environment and social solidarity by:
• Promoting and assisting the presentation and development and the public manifestation of Maltese heritage including culture and the environment.
• Encouraging research projects and assisting in the publication of studies undertaken by any duly qualified persons, regarding Maltese culture, heritage and history.
• Providing assistance to talented Maltese to enable them to obtain educational advancement and higher professional standards.
• Providing assistance towards just causes and/or religious bodies requiring social solidarity.
Everything you need to know!
All decisions regarding allocation of funds made by the Foundation shall be final.
Parameters of financing
Projects may either be financed entirely by the Foundation, or else be offered partial funding, and in some cases might require a commitment by the promoter to co-finance the project.
The Foundation supports projects and initiatives proposed by individuals, NGOs registered under the Commission of Voluntary Organisations Act of 2007, any body corporate set up by any other Act including Clubs and Limited Liability Companies, civic, cultural, educational and religious organisations and also specific groups/Boards set up for the purpose of organising the project or initiative in respect of which funding is requested. Excluded from applying for assistance from The Alfred Mizzi Foundation beneficiary fund:
a. Projects and initiatives submitted by political parties or political-party-affiliated organisations and/or party-politically-oriented projects;
b. Projects and initiatives submitted by entities that are funded by Central Government (such as Local Councils, agencies etc), unless their involvement is limited to sponsorship of a cause that is being promoted by an individual or organisation that is not excluded by these Guidelines.
Applications must be made by the submission of a hard-copy of the formal Application Form that can be downloaded from The Alfred Mizzi Foundation website www.thealfredmizzifoundation.com , together with the additional requested information. Applications are to provide sufficient information to the Board for evaluation purposes. Such information includes details on the person or organisation making the request (including those of the officials submitting the application on behalf of the organisation), detailed information on the proposed project and initiative, the total estimated cost of the project, the amount of funding being requested and, the planned execution of project including the relevant timeframes. Only authorised signatories should sign the Application Form. The Foundation reserves the right to seek further clarifications or documentation when not satisfied with the information being submitted.
Selection process
The Advisory Board evaluates all applications and makes recommendations for the awarding of funds based on all the criteria below. For facilitation of project evaluation, it is recommended that Project descriptions clearly demonstrate how the Project fulfills each of the below criteria: 1. Project falls within the scope of The Alfred Mizzi Foundation, as defined under Point 1 above; 2. Project benefits are sustainable; 3. The Applicant has access to the necessary expertise and competence to implement the Project.