“After 20 years of hard work, we are thankful, satisfied and privileged.” These were the words with which Chairman, Julian Sammut, addressed the Foundation’s several partners who attended an event to celebrate The Alfred Mizzi Foundation’s 20th birthday.
Established in 2004 to support worthy causes, over these last 20 years scores of NGOs and similar organisations have found the support of TAMF. Present for the event were representatives of several of these entities foremost amongst whom, His Grace the Archbishop Charles Mercieca and President Emeritus George Abela.
After an introductory speech by Alec Mizzi, Chairman and CEO of the Alf. Mizzi and Sons Group, who explained why his Board had decided to set up a Foundation, Julian Sammut after giving a broad overview of the Foundation’s work and achievements, went on to thank Alf. Mizzi and Sons Ltd. for its generous and continuous support. Finally, the Chairman paid tribute to the past chairpersons and many administrators who have served the Foundation so well.
At the end of this brief presentation, His Grace the Archbishop thanked the Foundation for its generous contribution to society and emphasised the importance of a national corporate civil responsibility, encouraging more private companies to participate more generously.