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The promotion, diffusion and safeguarding of the Maltese culture, its heritage, education, the environment and social solidarity.

Il-Proġetti Maġġuri tagħna

Dawn huma proġetti li għalihom il-Fondazzjoni tagħna għandha u f’ħafna każijiet, tkompli tinvesti riżorsi sostanzjali.

Supporting Identity, Environment, Education, and Solidarity

We proactively foster Malta's brighter future by safeguarding heritage, promoting eco-consciousness, advancing education, and strengthening community bonds for lasting impact.

Promoting Maltese culture

Preserving Maltese culture and heritage: From safeguarding ancient sites to celebrating contemporary expressions, we cherish Malta’s unique identity, ensuring its vibrant legacy for generations.”


Examining financial support for learning initiatives, including government budgets, private investments, grants, and scholarships.


Examining financial resources and trends for addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainability, including government allocations, private sector contributions, philanthropy, and international aid.

Social solidarity

Collective support and cooperation to address inequalities and foster inclusion in society.

Supporting & Beneficiaries

You can support our beneficiaries in a number of ways.

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